Friend of the Earth, an Apology
Forgive me, I confess: I have a house, gas central heating
and a car. Well, two cars, one older which I use for work.
I have a motorbike (hardly used) and a pushbike,
used a little bit more…
I eat out, I eat sandwiches from Pret,
I eat takeaways, and other fast food,
I eat vegetables and fruit, often from abroad,
I eat meat (but I’m trying to cut down).
Sometimes I even eat hamburgers (oh yes, and chocolate!)
I drink occasional cans of beer, bottles of wine.
I may eat soya, tofu (but what of plantations?)
the future: insects, seaweed and mycoprotein?
And I fly, or drive away, on holidays.
But offset carbon, medium, or long haul.
I take showers, but not baths.
I recycle what I can, I drive to the tip,
donate to charity shops, use litter bins.
I buy clothes, presents, smartphones,
I have a TV, HiFi, WiFi, electric light,
dishwasher, kettle, toaster, washing machine.
I have a refrigerator, and an oven…
but I care about the planet.
I think I have consumed palm oil, without my knowing,
and (which is worse?) microplastics in my toothpaste.
I have children…I even have a grandchild!
I belong to Greenpeace, the Kent Wildlife Trust, Soil
Association, Big Issue Foundation, Woodland Trust, Amnesty,
and, of course, Friends of the Earth.
I am far from perfect, but I care about our planet…
© Steve Walter