Fast train approaching… is a lively autobiographical account of my experiences of breakdown (see mind: making sense of the reality we think we know). It is raw, frank and in places shocking and disturbing.

It is interspersed with poems which provide a thread of continuity throughout the story (see below for a full list of titles)…A big thank you to all who shared the fabulous ebook launch on 10th November 2006 and the launch of the paperback! on 4th April 2007.

“Steve is a man who lives life vividly, creatively, courageously. Someone who uses every experience; inspiring, painful, loving and terrifying, to deepen his understanding and illuminate his spiritual journey. This is a deeply moving book, it is a revelation and a wake up call. Read and be inspired!” – Liz Aram, Trustee for MIND

“I hope that ‘FAST TRAIN APPROACHING…’ will be a tool that can be used to help erode the stigma that continues to surround mental illness, for such illness is no respecter of persons! It can happen to any one of us and at any time.” – Jenny Bloomer, Psychotherapist

Breakdown. Nervous breakdown. Fragments. And in those fragments …something of the truth.

If you would like to know more, and perhaps even buy your own copy , please £12 including p&p click here: Fast Train Approaching…

Or order direct from Amazon! £10 plus p&p

If you have any queries please get in touch
‘This we know, all things are connected, like the blood which unites one family, all things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man does not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself’
Chief Seattle
Among its 172 pages the book has the following poems:
All I need
In place of silence
Hundred hours
My Dream 2000 by Robert Muller
Teabag in a wineglas
One tree hill
Gone away
Prayer for the Earth by Jill Woolf
Cold hands
A is for abscess
Corpus christi
The crack
The laying of hands
Overcoming fear attributed to Nelson Mandela
Still life
The Burren by Ted Walter
Temple, Machu Picchu
Cae Mabon
The visitor
Washing up, drying up and putting away
The Royal Oak
In the Navy
If you have any queries or would like a presentation on the book please contact


Fast train approaching…