The green light is given, pumping billions into the high-speed race for ballast and steel, ploughing through sunlit wood and glade. Destruction quantified; the track hacking a path into irreplaceable reserves, forests centuries old, systematically felled, remnants trailing in the
Blog – Electric Head…
Not a petrol head, although I do adore my 1250 Suzuki Bandit, but an electric head! Tomorrow, for the first time, I will become the owner of a completely electric car! I’m excited and amazed, and also sensing my first
Mental wellbeing and psychosis
Here’s a link to an interview with my brother (tbc) Visit:
YouTube Videos
YouTube XXX1 – Chilling Rooms This is the thirty-first in a series of poems, and reflections, with the underlying themes of creativity, mental health and the environment, drawing on my experience of bipolar disorder. Many years ago, when I was
Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth Poetry & Prose Competition 2020
CLOSED – Wednesday 19th August 2020 Please enter your ECO-Poetry or ECO-Prose here: Under 12 Results from earlier this year Friends of the Earth Tunbridge Wells are delighted to report that, as a first stage, a prize has been
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 WWF – Connect with Nature Over the last weeks, many of us have experienced stress, anxiety or isolation. But now that we can get back outdoors, we celebrate the positive impacts of nature on our
Covid Phase 1 – An Ending
In the Shadow of the Sun The breaking of silences has begun put it behind us and move on rupture the edifice of dreams – icicle tears collapse in lockdown’s thaw until it’s as if nothing had
It is enough…
It is enough to sit, to think, to be to know your presence in the length of time that brought you here and to acknowledge your final passing… +++ Writing in Mum’s notebook Your words
Psyche – Spring
Sometimes the harmony of words is more painful than a wound
Equinox It’s as if an invisible snow has fallen, and the streets become quiet and cautious. Even with virus, in sunshine the air seems clear – less gases, particulates – every breath we take so much more precious.
Seasons in the Sun
We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun* As the world waits to know when we can breathe again, there is a slowing of pollution, a cutting of carbon dioxide, a downward tilt in the graph
Revised deadline – Earth Day 2020 – Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth Poetry & Prose Competition
Note: the deadline for entries has now been extended to 8th May, 2020. Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth is running an open poetry competition to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on 22nd April and is inviting entries from