I’m delighted that this poem, out of GAIA. Being. Alive, was Highly Commended by David Herd, Professor of Poetry at the University of Kent, for the Kent and Sussex Poetry Society Folio Collection 2023. Highly Commended: The Buzzard and the
Horizon 2040 – The Beginning – 5 – Bird
Painting by Jo Walter, The Chenille Tablecloth @jowalter_art Daniel finds himself flying through tunnels of light, with tropical birds, memories with the lightness of feathers… Birds are central to Daniel’s life. They are the most visible of animals, typically
Horizon 2040 – The Beginning – 4 – Teen
Painting by Jo Walter…The Chenille Tablecloth jowalter_art Our planet is in danger. We all know that on some level of our consciousness. The accelerating ecological crisis which threatens the survival of life on earth is evident now not only to
GAIA. Being. Alive – Book launch 22nd April 2023
EARTH DAY INVITE You’re warmly invited to the launch of GAIA. Being. Alive and Horizon 2040 – the beginning, on Earth Day, Saturday 22nd April at Sankeys’ upstairs function room Tunbridge Wells, from 7:30pm. Dear friends, yes it’s a launch
Wood Anemone
It’s April the sun is tender as it opens the gift of Spring…
The Bookshelf
There are moments when your eye settles on a book on your bookshelf that you haven’t noticed for a while, and may not have opened for years. This was one such time, when I rediscovered a pair of journals I’d
Life outside the window
From the Wilfred Owen Room at The Clockhouse, The Hurst, Clinton, October 2021 Thankfully, the fields I look out on are not those in which battles were buried as the clay grew tall they are gently sloping hills, trees
Together we walk on the Common
I offer this poem for National Poetry Day, 7th October 2021 and for World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2021 Together We Walk on the Common Dark clouds threaten, rain not bombs
Tunbridge Wells Poetry Festival – Remember the earth whose skin you are
On Tuesday 24th August 2021, Steve Walter and Roger West delivered original performances and soundscapes celebrating life on planet earth, as part of the Tunbridge Wells Poetry Festival – A video of Steve’s half of the show can be found here Remember
Dear Dylan…
Great to be part of this tribute anthology to Dylan Thomas…with ‘Skomer’ …and lovely words from his grand daughter Hannah Ellis Visit IndigoDreams And see the YouTube video clip Bless you Dylan…
Litter Hunt II
From this common land, Earth Day brings six large sacks of litter – discarded fragments collected piece by piece – extendable picking arms, click in weekday sunshine. Sacks stacked carefully beside a litter bin, a multitude of plastics, foil, metal
From moment to moment…
Even now, after over twenty years, there is a certain mystery about exactly what happened, and why, especially why. Seemingly out of nowhere, the world took on a certain magic, conjured coincidences, showed me new meaning in things, places, people,