As a kid Dan used to be interested in numbers, big numbers. Once he acquired a large notebook with wide plain pages and he began adding numbers together 1+1 = 2, 2+2 = 4, 4+4 = 8, doubling as he
Horizon 2040 – Chapter 13 – The Laboratory
As he woke, he had the strongest memory of his girlfriend on his mind. Tara. He remembered the excitement when once they’d met in the cool of the concrete cages at the side of the laboratory, where the tall, torpedo-like
Horizon 2040 – Chapter 12 – The Accident
Drenched in sunshine, he’d packed his car in no time. He’d been renting the house, there was no furniture to worry about, just his bike and several suitcases, one extraordinarily heavy, stuffed with books. He had to take the front
Horizon 2040 – Chapter 11 – Hope
Daniel remembered how the cars on the main road near his home would sound different from one day, one moment, to the next. This was most noticeable when the traffic was moving slowly, as if the cars were flowing to