Check out the Event Programme ‘Leap into Health – Moving Forward with Confidence‘ Fast Train Approaching… at midday!
Writing exercise – Wednesday 24th May 2017
Inspired by aspects of The Great Zoo, by Nicolas Guillen Sarah Salway‘s writing class Elements of psychology…let the pen reveal, a little… Kindness Hides at the back of the cage, secrets itself in the hollow of rocks, caves, tastes
Blog – Friday 12th May – A kind of coming out…
It was set for this morning. The email had been sent yesterday, drafted while I was at a mental health conference for health and safety professionals being inspired by Prof. Tim Marsh and Alastair Campbell. We all have mental health
The first show is over – one more to go…
Acute Psychotic Episode III – When the Change Came “The poet is a man who lives at last by watching his moods…as narrowly as a cat does a mouse.” Henry David Thoreau, 1851 I am a poet. I watch my