I wish there were a poem, a prayer, some form of spiritual incantation which, if agreed by all parties, could be spoken or sung and would welcome the dying to their new world, and help them fulfil their wish to
Blog – Saturday 24th September 2016
In the last week we celebrated the victory of the Paralympics, the greats and their success. +++ A Saturday not a Friday blog. Mother seems to be dying… The moment is close. In a few hours the night will begin
Blog – Friday 16th September 2016
Back after a brief hiatus, while at St Ives, exploring Barbara Hepworth’s studio and garden as well as enjoying other galleries, coastlines, theatre and bars. Before we went away, I was delighted to get an invitation to a leadership
Blog – Friday 2nd September 2016
He is sitting at a pub bar, tapping out thoughts on his phone with his thumb – the measured, red blink of the break glass point on the wall, constantly monitoring for signs of smoke, of fire. +++ Remembering that